Urban Discipline (EN): July 2001
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Urban Discipline 2001

Graffiti-Art Ausstellung in der Postsortierhalle am Stephansplatz, Hamburg

In summer 2001, the Urban Discipline 2001 was set for the second time. To gain more space, a new location had been selected and the compound of the team of artists was not going to be the same. At the old post office building at Hamburg`s Stephansplatz, more than 1000 m² were made available to show the works of 22 international artists.

Ergänzend zu den beeindruckenden Werken der Graffitikünstler konnte getting-up die bekannte Szenephotographin Martha Cooper überzeugen, ihre legendären 80`er Jahre Photos aus den Anfängen der Hip-Hop und Graffitikultur zu zeigen. Die teilweise unveröffentlichten Aufnahmen, die durch authentische Soundcollagen ergänzt wurden, waren ein Highlight der Ausstellung.

In addition to the stunning works, getting-up was able to convince the well-known photographer Martha Copper to show her legendary pictures from the very beginnings of Hip-Hop and Graffiti culture. Some of the photos had never been on display before and combined with authentic sound collages surely became one of the exhibition`s highlights. More than 100 canvases up to 3.5 m x 3.5 m fascinated the many vistors so much that some even came to see the exhibition more than once.

For that reason also, a catalogue was produced that was sold out in no time.

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Urban Discipline 2001 - Book

This year again, there will be an extravagant book, matching the URBAN DISCIPLINE 2001 Graffiti Art exhibit, self-made and published by the organizers. Compared to last year it's much more extravagant, it's a hardcover, contains way more pages and impresses also due to the unusual format.
Concerning the composition of artists, the close reader will recognize one or the other name, on the other hand, yet less-known talents will be portrayed here with photos of chosen, recent works and personal statements and cites. With it the authors didn`t try, in total opposite of last year, to give a common overview of the artists versatility, but focused especially on their momentary creation-phases.
One may be eager to see the interesting innovations of the scene and how already familiar styles were developed and refined.
Remarkably are the many, partly unpublished co-productions and huge-space-projects, like the 2000m² sized Dockart-Graffiti, hanging in the middle of Hamburg port, or the 600m² sized wall-painting "Die Götter von Rügen" ("The Gods of Rügen").
Another highlight is the performance of the cult-photographer Martha Cooper, who set milestones in HipHop-culture with her works. Some photos of world-fame will be seen, such as yet unpublished works.

This time with the following artists:
OS GEMEOS (Brazil), SUB, MARTHA COOPER (New York), DARE, MATE, TOAST (Switzerland), LAZOO (Paris), KERAMIK, DISCOM (Vienna), LOOMIT, WON (Munich), PETER MICHALSKI (Dortmund), ECB (Landau), BESOK (Augsburg), SEAK (Cologne), STUKA (Braunschweig), CODEAK (Hildesheim), TASEK, DADDY COOL, DAIM, STOHEAD (Hamburg)

"URBAN DISCIPLINE 2001 Graffiti-Art"
120 pages
Language: Deutsch/Englisch
Publisher: getting-up
ISBN 3-00-007960-2

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